
Arbitration is a service provided by DBAAR to resolve business disputes. Typically, it's a dispute over who earned a commission, but arbitrations can be held for other reasons. There are two types of arbitration cases - mandatory and voluntary. The chart below explains which situations fit into which category.

Mandatory Arbitration   Voluntary Arbitration
Broker vs. Broker   Broker vs. Sales Associate (same firm)
Sales Associate vs. Sales Associate (Brokers must join)   Broker (REALTOR) vs. Broker (non-member)
Client vs. Broker   Customer vs. Broker

The two most common cases are Broker vs. Broker, and Sales Associate vs. Sales Associate in which the parties disagree over who has rightfully earned a commission. In these cases, the dispute centers around who was the procuring cause, and a Professional Standards Hearing Panel makes that determination.

To file an Request for Arbitration, use this form (online fillable PDF)